Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bad Boy: Chapter 2 ; Lets Hear It For The First Grade !

I' am currently reading Bad Boy, by Walter Dean Myers and am on chapter two. I' am planning on reading a chapter every week. So when I do my blog for this topic, every week I can do each chapter.

Chapter Two: Lets Hear Ir For The First Grade ! ->
 When Walter Dean Myers first went to school he could read second-grade books already. For this he got put in second grade. His first grade teacher said that it was a bad idea to do because he couldn't speak well enough to be in second grade. Walter Dean Myers talks about how he liked his teacher Mrs. Dworkin. He also said that he loved going to school, even though he got put in a corner for almost an hour, because he dropped a jar of paste on his lap and then put some on this boy that laughed at him. Walter Dean Myers realized in second grade that he had a speech problem and that's why this boy named Manuel Bonilla bothered him a lot. When this would happen Walter would punch Manuel in the face so he would shut up and leave him alone. Then the teacher sent him straight to the office. Walter didn't care being sent there. He said he liked going there watching the teachers go back and fourth and talking about lunch or what they did last night. He also said he liked the principle and talked about the her appearance and everything. He started talking about his school which was named Public School 125 on LaSalle Street. He heard rumors that the cells used to be in the basement and that prisoners who died down there will howl every night.  The rest of the chapter just talked about how he was doing in school.

I like this book !

Oh my gosh that part about the prison that is now a school, made me remember about high school in Bessemer City. I heard that before the school was there that used to be the rest of the commentary, that's actually behind the school. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Article Read In Class -> Scientists Discover New Cave Spider Species… with Claws!

Last week we read "Scientists Discover New Cave Spider Species... With Claws" .
Picture Url Found In This Article

In this article we talked about this spider 
called Trogloraptor. There to your right, you see a picture of this creature. It's an eight-legged showcase, this spider is NEW! Each end of its legs ends in a curved, scythlike claw. Its fame for its flesh-necrotizing venom. Scientists have found these critters in the caves of Southwestern Oregon and old-growth redwood forest. The spiders name was Latin for "Cave Robber", Which is referring to its habitat and rapacious-looking talons. These cave spiders are otherwise distinct Trogloraptor, suggesting their claws evolved independently. These spiders could be inhabiting caves across America. Griswold said "They could be living in caves in Nevada". These creatures warrant protection as evolutionary marvels.

I didn't know about these new creatures till I read this article. They seem cool spiders to go check out at a science laboratory. This is the first spider that I know about having, 8 legs! Maybe its cause I don't really know about spiders like that. I wonder if there are some spiders like this somewhere near where we live? These spiders seem really bad when they talk about it in this article. I hate spiders I remember when there used to be a lot of spiders when I lived in Bessemer City. My sister would take pictures of them, she never listen when we would say stop taking pictures of it. She always said am not scared of them. My sister is crazy, she likes a lot of creatures, and holds most of them. I don't see why my sister, Neidy is so different from me and my other sister. Anyways that's not what am going to talk about here. I don't think I saw the year they found these spiders? I'd like to know? I'd also like to know how many of these spiders are there in this world? and if they have killed anyone with there flesh-necrotizing venom?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Geometry Class

This year I have a geometry class. My teacher is Ms. Terry. Her class is located in the Myers Center(MC). I have her for third period.

Math is my favorite subject at school. Why? Well I think that because I've always been good at it and its easy for me. Ever since I was a little girl I've always received math certificates. Its easy for me to understand the material when teachers teach me.

So far am doing great in geometry, its been easy till this point. I have learned new things. Like how to construct a segment bisector, angel bisector, parallel bisector, and a perpendicular bisector. I learn that bisector can be a segment, ray, line, or plane that intersects a segment at its midpoint. Bisectors divide into two equal parts. We have also went over some stuff I learned last year in Algebra 1. Geometry deals with the properties, measurement, and relationship of points, lines, angles, surfaces , and solids.

In geometry we really don't see math problems (like x+15 = 4x-45) or something like that) to solve. We see word problems a lot. Its a little more harder, and you need to think more and there is going to be a lot more steps to do.

I think am going to do really good in this class, I also think its going to get more harder in the semester but I am going to do my best and pay attention in class to make good grades on everything.

Which I know I will! I like the class so far and I enjoy having Ms. Terry as a teacher she is great!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Random:: My Son Danny!!

I have a son named Danny. Is it a real baby? NO! Of course not! He is a stuffed animal. My baby is a little monkey. I LOVE HIM A LOT! He was born December 31. He is 8 months old.

This is how I started calling him my son:::
My Picture! Danny When I found Him In The Car Floor Laying Down!

On new years I bought my boyfriend Yonathan a little monkey (Our son Danny) and a box of chocolate. I didn't know what to give him, so I bought him that. That night we had went to a club to go dance duranguense, which is a Hispanic dance that most Mexicans dance. After we finish dancing we went outside to go eat something cause we was starving. Yonathan took me home and gave me my present, which was perfume and the same kind of chocolates I bought him, but they were in a bigger box. So he gave me more chocolates then I gave him. He told me that he didn't know what to buy me either so he just got me that. When I gave him his present he saw that we got each other the same kind of chocolates and then he saw the little monkey. Yonathan said the monkey is so cute and said his eyes were pretty like mine. I told him the monkey looked like him cause it is cute and he looks like a monkey with his spiky hair and little ears. He just started laughing and said he loved me.

My Picture! Danny, At Home With Me!
Then one day he came to my house to invite me to eat. I found Danny in the car, on the floor. I asked yonathan what is the monkey doing on the car floor? He told me he had went three hours away from his house because he needed to do some work over there. So he took him because he said he would feel me far away from him and with the monkey he felt me close. Since that day I started calling him my son. I said "oh my gosh how dare you have my baby on the car floor like this. You don't take care of our baby. You abuse him like this leaving him in the car alone and stuff." Yonathan just started laughing and I said "am going to take my baby with me you don't take care of him." He smiled at me and said okay keep him. While we was eating I asked him what should we name our baby. He said well what is it a boy or a girl? and I said well its a boy cause I don't want to have girls when I grow up, and he started laughing. Then he told me lets name him Danny. I was just playing around when I said I was going to keep him, and when we finished eating he took me home and said "take him with you for real I love you and I think you will take better care of him." Then he told me to give Danny back to him some other day.

My Picture! Me & Yonathan At The Mall <3
So this is how we started calling the little monkey our son and named him Danny!

To the right a picture of me and my boyfriend yonathan! I LOVE HIM!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bad Boy!

I am Reading a book called Bad Boy, by Walter Dean Myers. I choose this book because I read the back summary and it looks like an interesting story to me. The back talks about how this boy has a quick-tempered and he is physically strong, and this boy is always ready for a fight. Well he likes to read and he always goes to the library and checks out books. He would always bring books to his house, and will hind them in a brown bag because he wanted to avoid the other boys from teasing him. This boy wanted to be a writer, but growing up in a poor family didn't helped him. His hope for a successful future diminished as he realize the class and racial struggles that surrounded him. He didn't believe in himself and his values that he had always relied on, going to school less and less, turning to streets and his books for comfort.

Picture found at
I really don't like reading books, that's not my thing but when its something interesting I read it. The first chapter is called HARLEM. Harlem is the place they lived at. In the beginning he talks about home which is Harlem. How it was a magical place that was alive with music that went all over the busy streets from the windows. Music was what he most loved about Harlem. There would be radios everywhere. His earliest memory was about this woman picking him up Sunday morning for Sunday school. He said she would always have like five to ten children with her. They would go down the streets holding hands and singing  "Jesus Loves Me". He attend to a Baptist church called Abyssinian Baptist. He would go back home the same way, holding hands and singing. He then talks about his mama working. She calls it "days work", which meant she cleaned other peoples apartments and was paid by the day. He has two sisters Gerry and Viola. They were the only girls who danced with him when they did dance. The other girls in the street wouldn't dance with him. He taught himself this dance up called "the boogie". His dance was amusing to people. Amusing enough that he would have pennies being thrown at. When he had enough pennies he would run to the stores and buy his favorite icy pops.

This book really didn't start out how I imagined. But it's good so far. I guess! But I really think its going to be a great book.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Public Speaking!

I have a Public Speaking class 4th period. My teacher is Mr. Paul, but he has been out because some days ago his wife had a baby. The baby caught some kind of cancer and Mr. Paul is with his wife and baby. For now we have Mrs. Elliot, she has been a good substitute teacher in the days she has been with us. To tell the truth I think am not going to like or do well in that class. We have done two speeches already in this class. One was about interviewing a student in our class and asking them questions about an important event in their life. Then we had to gather the information they gave us and make up a story to talk about it to the whole class. The second one was about choosing five personal objects and talking about it in front of the whole class. We also had to write down five to six things we shouldn't do while doing a speech. The things I wrote were: Not to chew gum, no mumbling, no slouching or leaning against something, don't stutter, don't always look at the floor; look at the audience. When we did the first speech we had to do two or three things that we are not suppose to do during a speech. Then the class had to guess what we was doing wrong. Now we are working on looking up a famous speaker and telling the class about him/her. Hope I do really good on this. I am a very shy person when it comes to speaking in front of a whole crew of people. I get really nervous because I might mess up, mumble, speak low, stutter, or do something that is not right or embarrassing in front of everyone. I hope this class and Mr. Paul helps me take away my shyness. I really want to try and do great in this class and be successful. This class is important because it teaches you how to do public speaking, you know speeches and stuff like that; presentations you know! Communication skills are important for careers and school and every thing. This is why am going to try and do my best in this class whether I like it or not! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today's Article

Picture Found here:

Today in my compass lab class we read an article named Planet Earth Doesn't Know How To Make It Any Clearer It Wants Everyone To Leave. 

This story is silly! In a sarcastic way the Earth is telling us to get off the planet. It wants to kill us because we don't take care of the world. It thinks we treat it like trash and don't care about Earth. Earth wants us to take good care of the planet. All the floods, tornado's, natural catastrophes, tsunami, earthquakes, landslides, rain storms, and winter storms that Earth has made in this planet was because it wants to make sure everyone leaves. Earth says that it has made lots of stuff to us humans to understand to get off this planet. Earth has hoped for us to understand what it's trying to tell us by creating some sort of storm, but we just keep living our life.

I really didn't like this story at all. Thought it was dumb having Earth talk! Story's are story's and they can have a T.V talking if the author chooses to. When Mrs. Seton was reading this story I really didn't pay much attention, but when she went over the story and talked about it I kind of understood. I read it again to do my blog and understand it better. To my understanding, Earth is trying to tell us to take care of the planet or get the heck out! We live in this planet! Therefore we need to take care of our world, clean after our self's, and just be respectful to our planet. Make sure we don't litter. We need to make this world better than what we have it like because its where we live. Its our home! We have to love our planet... Our Home.. Our place.. Our EARTH!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I Love My Family!

My name is Carla Vargas! My Middle name is Diana and I do like that name way better than Carla. I live with my mom Noehmi and her husband Alexander. My dad Lives in Gastonia and we live in Dallas NC. I have two sisters and two brothers, and am the oldest one. Ten year old Neidy and four year old Keilyn are my sisters. Thirteen year old Anthony and six year old Johnny are my brothers. We all go to school here in Dallas NC. We all also live with my mom, and we visit dad every weekend. It's really hard having dad away from us and only seeing him three days a week. We enjoy the days we have to spend with our dad. I love spending time with the family a lot. It's fun and we get to talk about every thing we do and every thing that goes on with us. When it gets to diner, or super, or breakfast time we enjoy sitting together with the whole family. Just there talking and laughing about the past, present and future. We just have so much fun together! You got to love your family! We go out some times on week ends and spend family time outside. Either going out to eat or going to the park, mall, you know where ever. We always communicate when ever we aren't together, to make sure everything is alright. We treat each other equally and never make someone feel left out. We love each other a lot, I mean who don't love there family. When summer time comes we love going any where we can. Just having fun and enjoying the day and each others company. It's great having an awesome family like mine. We help each other on every thing and take care of each other we stick together and have fun always.