Friday, February 22, 2013

Elizabeth I's portrait brings us face to face with the ravages of age

The structure that is used in this article is most important to least important. I feel that its that way because in the beginning it talks about the renaissance and the end some little criquites about pictues of Elizabeth. I think the tone of this article is fanciful because it does seem like the author is using imagination to see things in the portrait's of Elizabeth. The story is just about the renaissance and how old Elizabeth looks. The author sees things in her portraits and seems quizzical which is odd, eccentric, or amusing. Supporting details: "The Renaissance created a cult of female beauty so all-pervasive that it shapes western perceptions and fantasies right down to today", "The result is a cruel unmasking of power", "Could this have been a deliberately subversive image, hidden away in the house of some rebellious lord? Here is the fairy queen, her spell broken". To me this article didn't mean anything its just history and inferences about portraits and stuff like that. To people and the world it might mean something maybe they want to check the portraits out and see what they might observe or maybe the people who are in to history might want to hear about this.

Friday, February 15, 2013

How to turn living cells into computers

The structure that is used to organize this article was climatic order. The author of this article has an informative and nerdy tone.Basically this article was about how to turn living cells into computers. It described the cell structure and how it turns into a computer, they say. The three details from the article that support it are: Synthetic biology seeks to bring concepts from electronic engineering to cell biology, treating gene functions as components in a circuit, A wide range of computational circuits for cells have been developed since, including a simple counter that Collins and his team devised in 2009, and Lu says that the approach could also be useful in biotechnology. Using simple forms of these addressable switches, manufacturers could grow cell cultures in which key genes are turned off until activated by a signal compound, permanently turning on production of a drug, for example, when the system is ready. To me this means nothing right now, I could learn about this it might help me in biology. To the world or people it might help because its good information for biologist and biology teachers and things like that.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Social Sciences (Television really does make you less lonely, say scientists)

The organization that they used the order of the information is chronological. The tone of the article is kind or sad but not really because it talks about both sides and not just from his/her point of view. The article was about how people who watch television a lot makes them feel really lonely and that they relate the TV shows to their personal lives. People seem to not have a lot of social communication with other people face to face. Also that people who watch a lot of TV shows seem to make up imaginary characters. The point the aritcle is trying to get across is that people of going to ruin their lives if they keep doing this. They shouldn't be so much living in the TV shows they need to really have a life and communication with other people, have a social life with the world and not stay in a room staring at a tv thinking its you inside of that "box". "The down side of this, of course, is that focusing on tv shows as "family" decreases the time and opportunity to develop a social network of one's own." This really means a lot to me people need to have a social life. To others it should mean a lot to, people should open their eyes and look at what their doing to their lifes and not be stuck to their TV a lot. It should mean a lot to every one the whole world. Its importanat to have communication with others have friendships and a lot of other stuff with different people.