Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Read In Class: Why Procrastination is Good For You !

last week we read an article named "Why Procrastination Is Good For You".

In this article it talked not about leaving everything to the last minute, but ways to know when to do your stuff like if you are an active procrastination. Which means you know that you are delaying mowing the lawn of cleaning your closet, or something important like that, but you are doing something that is more valuable instead. When you are being a passive procrastination its when you are just sitting around not doing anything at all. Now that's something you really don't want to do or be. Managing your time is a really great skill you must do. That way you have times to do everything that's needed to be done. Plus you will get stuff done easily and faster, at least that how I see it. 

I procrastinate, I used to do it a lot. I stopped now, because it isn't good for you. I would always get behind at school and get bad grades and you don't want that trust me. I've learned my lesson the hard way, and it sucks, really! When I started managing my time and making a list of what to do first and what to do last, it made my life easier. I like how it works, I feel like I concentrate more on my work and get stuff done faster. Its a great skill us teenagers should use. It helps a lot and you will love it as much as I do!

1 comment:

  1. I think you got the real point from this article: time management. It's about knowing how much time you have and how much you need!
